January 21, 2009

I've been a bad blogger..

I have lacked motivation for my blog lately! I am going to borrow a post that my friend cleverclogs recently did.

"6 Random Things" (that I don't mind posting on the Internet)

1. I was travelling w/a group of friends from Massachusetts who had recently moved out to CA. While we were driving around Hollywood we saw Jay Leno driving the other way in one of his classic cars. We quickly spun around and flagged him down to say "hi" (since he is from Ma too)He ended up pulling over and told us to follow him- we were all freaking out!.. He had us follow him onto a less crowded street where he got out and took pictures with all of us, he was so nice!! I was surprised how handsome he was too! I never in a million years would have thought he was good looking unless I saw him in person.

2. I have had my nose pierced twice. (but do not have it pierced now)

3. I feel like I have been very lucky- I have won several contests in my lifetime, the two biggest were a trip to Las Vegas and a trip to London for myself and a friend.

4. While working at Banana Republic, I worked with a girl who used to be the nanny for Hugh Heffners children. Back then she told me that Hugh really did always wear those silk robes around the house, and that the children could just pick up the phone at any time to get anything that they wanted. If you watch The Girls Next Door at all you will see both are true, Hugh is always in his silk robe and whenever the girls need anything they just pick up the phone to get what they want from the staff.

5. I lived on the 3rd floor and worked as the maid/housekeeper for this house before the owner died and it was left to the Preservation Society. (and I was a terrible house keeper!!!)

6. My dad is a "candy man" and makes candy for this candy shop, that is not my dad on the website its the owner of the shop. I want to open my own candy and gift shop someday, but don't know if that will ever happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, first of all, I want to open a candy shop too! We are so brilliant- we could collaborate!

Secondly - When did that Jay Leno thing happen? That's too cool?

And thirdly, was that at the Newport BR you worked with the nanny?